Tennessee Afterschool Network developed Fit Foundations in 2017. It is designed as a program to provide both afterschool and summer learning programs with the tools and resources needed to help Tennessee’s youth become fit and healthy.
Why? Because afterschool and summer learning programs help Tennessee’s kids learn, grow, and stay safe. That includes creating an environment that models good nutrition and physical activity practices.
The resources provided by Fit Foundations are evidence-based best practices and tools proven to positively influence youth health.
Start with Fit Foundations Basics and gradually move towards adopting additional National Afterschool Association Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (HEPA) Standards.
Fit Foundations Basics
- Understand the Why: Tennessee’s State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE) published a report on the importance of health for Tennessee learners.
- Make a Plan: Building a healthy learning environment doesn’t take a lot of time or money. Start with reviewing the HEPA standards and creating an achievable plan.
- Move More: Afterschool programs should allow for physical activity at least 10% of the program time. Learn more about integrating activity into learning and the benefits of play.
- Snack Smarter: 1 in 5 Tennessee children do not have access to nutritious food. Discover resources to make certain snacks and meals are healthy and how to involve kids in the process.
Fit Foundations Beyond the Basics
For programs ready to go beyond the basics and make a commitment to creating the optimal afterschool environment, dig deeper into the categories below to better engage youth, families, and communities.

Top 3 Recommended Resources
Share Your Successes!
Are you an afterschool or summer learning program in Tennessee? Tell us a little bit about yourself – who you are and what you do – and we will feature you in our weekly blog! Or, tell us about a special project you’ve implemented at your program, and we’ll write about that. Email mary.graham@uwtn.org with your name and contact information, the name of the program, a few photos, and a description of your program or your special project. We will contact you within a few days for additional information. Thanks for sharing!