How to Volunteer
- In Tennessee, dial 2-1-1 and tell them that you want to be a volunteer reader, mentor, or tutor in your community, or visit the website.
- Follow this link to the United Ways of Tennessee page to find your local United Way. Call or go to your United Way’s website to find a volunteer opportunity that’s right for you.
- Visit Points of Light or All For Good to find a volunteer opportunity near you.
- Call Mary Graham at (615) 495-9970 for more information or email mary.graham@uwtn.org.
Resources and Training for Volunteers
Providing volunteers with the training and support they need is essential to ensuring that they feel prepared and have a positive experience – and can best help children and youth. Below are many training tools communities can utilize for this purpose.
For Training Readers:
- National Service resources for readers
- Pencil Foundation Reading Partners volunteer manual, resource booklet from U.S. Dept. of Education and New Reader Booklet (student use)
- Readtennessee.org parent toolkits for reading and early math
- Additional early learning resources may be found at www.bornlearning.org and HERE
For Training Tutors:
- National Service resources for tutors
- Readtennessee.org resources for tutors (wide range of subjects)
- Math and reading diagnostic tests starting at grade 4
For Training Mentors:
- Building Relationships: A Guide for New Mentors
- Mentor Training Guide (United Way of Northern New Jersey)
- National Service resources for mentors
- Ongoing Training for Mentors from U.S. Dept. of Education
- TN Achieves Handbook
For training young/student volunteers (ages 13-18):
Tennessee Scholars offers a training program for young volunteers throughout the state. For more information, or to arrange a training, please contact Ruth Woodall at 615-256-5141 or ruth.woodall@tnchamber.org
Raise Your Hand Tennessee is generously funded by grants from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, and the United Ways of Tennessee