The Tennessee Afterschool Network, United Ways of Greater Knoxville and SHADES of Development are excited to partner with Youth Service America to bring youth service and youth voice initiatives to Tennessee.
The mission of Youth Service America is to activate young people, ages 5-25, to find their voice, take action, and acquire powerful civic and 21st Century skills as they solve problems facing their communities.
Youth Service America believes that youth, communities, and democracy thrive when we all work together for the common good. Youth-led projects use Awareness, Service, Advocacy, and Philanthropy (ASAP) strategies to meet community needs.
Our goal is to get youth across the state of Tennessee involved in service learning. As a youth-serving organization and community leader, you can help by partnering with us to teach your students about service learning through the events listed below. To learn more contact either or
Did You Know?
- Young people are more likely to volunteer when engaged through schools, youth organizations or religious groups.
- Young people are uniquely suited to solve problems through service.
- High quality service-learning leads to increased academic engagement and success
- Volunteering improves career and workforce readiness.
- People who volunteer when they are young donate more to philanthropic causes when they are older – they are also more likely to volunteer and to vote as adults.