Tuesday, March 5, is the official Day-on-the-Hill for Tennessee Afterschool Network – and our partners, Save the Children and United Ways of Tennessee. We need you to join us to help us educate our Tennessee State Legislators and make an impact
for more information, like talking points, handout materials, logistics, ways to join us via social media, and other updates.

We will meet at the Cordell Hull Building from 8:45 to 10:30 a.m., Central Time, so please schedule your visits with your legislators after 10:30 a.m. Central.
To find information on your local legislators, visit http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/Apps/fmlv3/districts.aspx. Please arrive no later than 8:30 a.m. Central so you can get through the security checks in time to reach our destination. We will meet in Senate Hearing Room 2, which is located on the first floor.
Issues we will highlight for our legislators will be afterschool programming, ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences), the opioid crisis, and the healthcare safety net.

In addition, we will hold a “101” review on legislative meetings, and State Representative Harold M. Love, Jr.,
To prepare for this event, we are holding a conference call on Tuesday, February 26, from 10 to 11 a.m. Central Time (11 to 12 Eastern). Email Mary Graham at mary.graham@uwtn.org
to RSVP for the conference call and receive call-in details.
We look forward to making Day-on-the-Hill 2019 our most effective ever.
IMPORTANT DETAILS: The Cordell Hull Building is located at 425 5th Avenue North in Downtown Nashville. Here is a link to the parking garages near the building: https://www.parkitdowntown.com/maps/popular/937/15 and here is a link to nearby hotels: http://www.thehotelnexus.com/hotels-near-building/Cordell%20Hull%20State%20Office%20Building/nash047